Saturday, February 21, 2009

twenty five.

So I'm jumping on the bandwagon but only because my favourite person in life requested me to fill this out. Enjoy!
Rules: Once you've been tagged, write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I’m really, REALLY good with remembering people’s names including last names and other minor details such as area of study. It’s really weird.
2. I love when comic books get turned into movies.
3. I’m rather handy when faced with a predicament that involves improvising that entails fixing something or trying to improve it in some way.
4. My favourite painting is Cézanne’s Jas de Bouffan. We shared a moment.
5. I’m a tiny bit of a tech-geek.
6. My inspiration for my blog title comes from the name of a clothing company I had to invent for a grade 12 independent project which was inspired by the movie Alice in Wonderland but became translated into French in 2009 because it sounds so much better.
7. I used to not have eye creases and one day I woke up and they miraculously appeared best thing to ever happen lol!!
8. I love to bake to the sounds of Handel, Vivaldi, and Bach. Just a side note I cannot make butter cream icing for the life of me! If anyone can help me out with pointers that would be super! However, I do make an amazing fruit tart that I’m pretty proud of (Thanks Martha Stewart!)
9. When talking to people I sometimes find it hard to look them straight in the eyes. It’s not that I’m rude it’s just that I feel like the eyes are the window to the soul.
10. I got to wander around the confines of Holt Renfrew after hours with no customers or staff (it was work related of course) it felt rather magical. I felt like the storybook character Corduroy, only human and surrounded by designer goods!
11. I have an OCD with having clean hands.
12. I wore Invisalign’s for a year and kind of think it was a big waste (don’t tell my Dad that!).
13. I was born with a full head of hair.
14. One of my biggest pet peeves are when people don't take off the label on their wool coats. It totally grinds my gears!
15. I'm constantly making lists - shopping, to-do's, favourite things, pros/cons, etc. and am really good with keeping track of things.
16. In junior high school I used to hide cheat sheets for tests in my “spacemaker” and pretend to be looking for something during a test. Oh whatever don’t act like you’ve never done it!
17. Sometimes I think I was supposed to be born Greek or maybe I just wish it?
18. I have a tendency to over book myself when making plans with others. But I guess I just want to see everyone and do everything! My apologizes if this has inconvenienced you in some way or another!
19. My first crushes in JK were Hunter and Justin. I just couldn’t decide who I liked better. Some things never change I suppose?
20. The only sport I’ve ever done and actually enjoyed was fencing. But this was a phase.
21. I’ve wanted to be everything from an entertainment journalist, paleontologist (random I know!), fashion designer, something in marketing, to owning my own hotels, interior decorator, a forensic scientist on CSI, and currently: a health care administrator (I think?!).
22. I keep all my movie stubs.
23. If I could be any comic book character it would be Mystique from X-Men.
24. I believe things are always meant to be and whatever happens, happens for a reason.
25. To this day I still think the movie IT by Stephan King is the scariest movie of all time. It probably isn’t but I just can’t seem to bring myself to watch it.


abigail63 said...

9 is soooooo deep!!!! love them!
BUT you forgot the one about sabrina! lol

notanotherblog said...

No 4. is a cool painting to like.

la flaneuse said...

thanks for finally doing this, no.3 is so you, ribbon to the rescue.
love you!

Victoria ♥ said...

:) got nothing but love for you all! xo.